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Capacity Planning & Scheduling System

The purpose of CPSS is to simulate and optimize the customer’s entire production processes.  The user can vary the following operating parameters to conduct a “what-if” analysis in order to optimize a system:


  1. The application (CPSS), will include the capability to vary the following input parameters:

  • The user can select two (2), different types of systems to simulate.  The first type is a “Push” based system, where the parts are processed through their respect process steps.  The second type is a “Pull” based system, where specific component parts are allocated to a specific resource (a station that holds the component part until it is needed by the end-item, i.e. supermarket).  If a “Pull” based system is selected, the user can allocate the station where the component part will wait until it is requested by the end-item.  The user will also be able to specify the quantity of the component part (loaded into the station that holds the component part until it is needed by the end-item), to be included at the beginning of the simulation.

  • Ability to specify a time period to consolidate like parts into one order (i.e., consolidate 2 weeks of orders of the same part to be produced at the beginning of the first week)

  • CPSS has the ability to create an order for subassemblies that are used in the final assembly and the final assembly would have its own unique order number.  CPSS has the ability to have up to nine (9) subassemblies to be used in any part number/assembly

  • CPSS has the capability to have up to 400 unique part numbers

  • The user can specify the quantity of parts to process for each operation by part number

  • Part routing – each part number can have up to 60 operations

  • Cycle time by part type and process

  • Setup time by part type and process

  • Yield rate by part type and process

  • Time period to simulate to include days, hours per shift and shifts per day

  • Unplanned downtime by production resource and is represented by the Mean-Time-Between-Failure (MTBF) and Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR) for all process equipment

  • The user can specify the number of production units (resources), available by resource type

  • The user can specify the number of the hours per day and days per week each production resource is available for production

    • The ability to save a scenario

    • The ability to open a previously saved scenario


  1. The following is a sample of the output reports created by CPSS:

  • Production Schedule to include the part number, quantity of parts by part type and day to start production to meet the required delivery date

  • The lead time required to complete each order

  • Throughput in terms of units

  • Average process time by part type

  • Process equipment and operator utilization (resource efficiencies)

  • Projected average, maximum and final inventory for each process operation for the time period simulated.  This will also include finished goods inventory


  • The average, minimum and maximum time the component part stayed in the resource allocated to hold the specific part to be pulled

  • The average, minimum and maximum number of component parts waiting to get into the resource allocated to hold component parts if there is not enough capacity for the respective resource

  • The total number of pulls by part number

  • The total number of lots requested by the part number


Our experience on similar projects using the CPSS software have resulted in the following potential benefits:


Reduction in operating cost


Reduction in floor space


Improvement in total product process time


Savings in capital investment

“Using the Capacity Planning & Scheduling System (CPSS), software, STC delivered value: product cost reduction of near 30%, inventory reduction of 15%, reduction in order to delivery of 40%. STC delivered detail results and evaluations of our value streams that realized value and exceeded expectations. The internal customer that we worked with had such success with this in-sourcing project that they have since repeated this process on 2 additional product lines.”

Automation Team Leader

Caterpillar Inc

Trusted by Companies Small and Large Around the Globe.


To be considered by our customers as the best independent and dedicated resource they can use to solve their production and logistics problems. To be recognized as a key factor in significantly reducing our customers’ capital and operating costs.

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STC’s principal assets are the stature, reputation and experience of our people. Each member of our staff has been selected for his or her in-depth knowledge, which span multiple business disciplines. Each has more than 20 years of experience from both a technical and financial perspective, in a broad range of industries.
STC engineers and analyst complement their experience with the use of the most advanced analysis techniques to include computer simulation to model the processes of our clients. These tools are used on an as-needed basis to gain understanding of process operations and to predict the behavior of new or improved systems.

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